Sunday, March 2, 2014

Human Trafficking in the US

1. 32 Billion dollar a year industry, fastest growing criminal enterprise.

2. 2009 America recognized as the #1 destination for child sex trafficking.

3. A child is reported missing in America every 30 seconds. ( National center of missing and exploited children)

4. Houston is the #1 city for sex trafficking, las vegas #2, Atlanta#3

5. Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas is the epicenter for trafficking via I-35, I-40, I-44.

6. Crimes include domestic servitude, forced labor, debt bondage, illegal baby adoptions, sex trafficking for prostitution, intimate partner trafficking, and the production or distribution of child pornography.

7. 2011 the largest prostitution ring operating in OKC was found to be recruiting children. 13 yrs old is now the entry age into prostitution.

8. 2011 the brutal murder of Oklahoma teen Carina Saunders was discovered by investigators to have been the work of a drug and human trafficking ring.

9. Multiple Human Trafficking cases are being investigated in every OK, county.

10. Approximately 2 million children run away from home each year, 70% are coerced into survival sex within 48 hrs of leaving home.

11. Oklahoma cities are rated in top 10 cities for internet searches of porn.

12. Oklahoma is #1 in child abuse, #1 in women incarcelated, #3 in divorce and #4 in women murdered.

13. #1 way for predators to find girls today is ONLINE.

14. 5 million pornographic pictures are downloaded daily, 20% are of children, 99% of viewers are men, 91% are white men.

15. Jan. 2013, homeland Security found 123 victims of sex exploitation, 13 of those were Tulsa teens. ( boys 14-16).


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